There is a secret string x about which you gradually learn some partial information. However, you have limited memory, and so can't just store all this information until it becomes enough to recover x perfectly. Given a memory bound B, how many samples (as a function of the length of x and B) do you need to recover x with high probability? More precisely, we consider a "streaming" setting where at each step the reconstructor learns (R,M(R,x)), where R is some uniformly random string and M is some (possibly noisy) function. In seminal work, Raz (FOCS 2016, considered the version of this problem where M(x,R) = , where <.,.> denotes inner product over F_2 (the finite field of order 2) and x is a bitstring of length n. If we can store roughly n^2 bits in memory, then we can easily find x using about n samples by solving a system of linear equations. Raz showed that if the memory bound B << n^2, then exponentially many samples are required to recover x. This result was later extended to a much larger class of learning problems (STOC 2018, Later work (RANDOM 2021,, and CRYPTO 2024,, using analogous techniques, refined these results in the context of the "Learning Parity with Noise" (LPN) and "Learning with Errors" (LWE) problems, which are central to post-quantum cryptography. For example, LPN corresponds to the "noisy" version of Raz's original problem where the reconstructor learns samples (R, + Noise), with Noise following a Bernoulli distribution with success probability eps. In this case, the number of required samples is exponential whenever the memory bound B is significantly smaller than n^2/eps. Cryptographers often use variants of LPN and LWE where there is some known side information about the secret x (e.g., "entropic LWE", or where the strings R in the samples above are not sampled uniformly at random, but rather sampled from a more structured set. The goal of this project is to understand to what extent the techniques from the works mentioned above can be adapted to obtain memory-sample bounds for these variants of LPN and LWE.